Planning Commission
Planning Commission Membership
The Planning Commission is a seven (7) member voluntary citizen board, whose primary purpose is to review and make recommendations to the City Council for Airway Height’s future growth through continued review of the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations. All seven sitting members serving on the Planning Commission, are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
Application for Planning Commission.
Current Planning Commission members include:
Position #1: Bill Campbell, Vice Chair
Term expires January 31, 2026
Position #2: Don Mitchell
Term expires January 31, 2028
Position #3: Mark Collins, Chair
Term expires January 31, 2027
Position #4: Pleasance Jones
Term expires January 31, 2029
Position #5: Brenda Ponce
Position #6: Vacant
Position #7: Melanie Kern
Term expires January 31, 2028
Term expires January 31, 2027
Term expires January 31, 2027
Agendas, Minutes & Packets
The Airway Heights Planning Commission meets regularly, every second Wednesday of the month at 6: 00 PM via Zoom.
7-10-24 Meeting Cancelled
8-14-24 Meeting Cancelled
10-9-24 - Meeting Cancelled
11-13-24 Meeting Cancelled
2-9-2022 Agenda
3-9-2022 Agenda
4-13-2022 Agenda
5-11-2022 Agenda6-8-2022 Agenda - Meeting Canceled 7-13-2022 Agenda - Meeting Canceled
8-10-2022 Agenda9-14-2022 Agenda - Meeting Canceled
10-12-2022 Agenda
1-13-2021 Agenda - Meeting Canceled due to wide spread power outage, rescheduled to 1-27-2020
1-27-2021 Agenda
2-10-2021 Agenda
3-10-2021 Agenda
4-14-2021 Agenda
5-12-2021 Agenda 6-9-2021 Agenda - Meeting Canceled
7-14-2021 Agenda
8-11-2021 Agenda9-8-2021 Agenda - Meeting Canceled
10-13-2021 Agenda
11-10-2021 Agenda
12-15-2021 Agenda
1-12-2021 Agenda
2-12-2020 Agenda
4-8-2020 Agenda
5-13-2020 Agenda
6-10-2020 Agenda7-8-2020 Agenda - Meeting Canceled due to lack of Quorum
8-12-2020 Agenda
9-9-2020 Agenda
10-14-2020 Agenda
11-12-2020 Agenda
12-9-2020 Agenda
1-29-25 Minutes
2-12-25 Minutes
2-26-25 Minutes
1-27-2021 Mins
2-10-2021 Mins
3-10-2021 Mins
4-12-2021 Mins
5-12-2021 Mins6-9-2021 - Meeting Canceled
7-14-2021 Mins
10-13-2021 Mins
11-10-2021 Mins
12-15-2021 Mins
3-11-2020 Mins
4-8-2020 Mins
5-13-20 Mins
6-10-20 Mins7-8-2020 Mins - Meeting Canceled due to lack of Quorum
8-12-2020 Mins
9-9-2020 Mins
10-14-2020 Mins
11-12-2020 Mins
12-9-2020 Mins
1-12-2021 Packet
5-12-2021 Packet 6-9-2021 Packet - Meeting Canceled
7-14-2021 Packet
8-11-2021 Packet9-8-2021 Packet - Meeting Canceled
10-13-2021 Packet
11-10-2021 Packet
12-15-2021 Packet
Instructions On How To Join A Zoom Meeting
For Windows/Mac
- Go to
- On the top right corner of the screen, click on resources to access the drop down menu.
- Click on Download zoom client.
- In the Download Center, click the first download button for Zoom Client for Meetings.
- Follow the prompts to install the zoom client.
- On the meeting day and time, click the link in the outlook invite entitled Join Zoom Meeting. This will automatically launch the zoom client and connect you to the meeting.
- When entering the meeting If, for some reason, zoom asks you for the meeting id, it is: 827 0295 0440
For telephone
- On your phone, dial the teleconferencing number provided in your invite.
- Enter the meeting ID number when prompted using your dial pad.
One tap mobile
- +12532050468,,82702950440# US
- +12532158782,,82702950440# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
- +1 253 205 0468 US
- +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
- +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
- +1 669 444 9171 US
- +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
- +1 719 359 4580 US
- +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
- +1 305 224 1968 US
- +1 309 205 3325 US
- +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 827 0295 0440
Number not listed here? No problem! Click here to find your local number.