File a Utility Dispute
Utility Dispute Process:
- Utility account holders have the right to dispute a bill if he/she believes it is in error.
- The Utility Dispute Form can be located here.
- Fill out Utility Dispute Form and return to City Hall.
- Upon receipt the Finance Staff will date stamp and forward the form to the Clerk-Treasurer.
- The dispute will be reviewed by Clerk-Treasurer and copies forwarded to the Utility Dispute Board.
- The Clerk-Treasurer shall request the utility clerk to provide background information on the disputed account that includes current balance, past due balance, current or prior payment agreements and other historical information.
- The Utility Dispute Board will convene within 10 business days to review the dispute and make a recommendation to the Clerk-Treasurer.
- The Dispute Board members shall meet, review the request, discuss relevant information and make a written recommendation for final action to: (1) the Finance Committee for fees or charges under $500.00 and (2) the City Council for fees and charges over $500.01 with consideration at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. AHMC 13.04.162