New Utility Account Information
Water/Sewer Utility Information
After hours, Emergency water shut off; please call (509) 868-9818
In order to apply for Water and Sewer service within the City of Airway Heights, a Water/Sewer Application must be filled out and brought to City Hall. All new accounts require a deposit of $200 if connected to the sewer or $120.00 if still on a septic tank.
Water/Sewer Billing Information is available for those interested in the way that bills are calculated, which different methods of payment are accepted, and when payment for Water/Sewer Bills is due.
The Utility Department is part of the Finance Department and is responsible for creating and sending out water/sewer bills each month. The bills are mailed at the end of the month and are due on the 25th of each month. If the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, they are due the prior working day. For customer convenience, payments can be left in the drop box at City Hall; this box is checked every morning for payments. Accounts not paid by the 2nd Tuesday of the following month are subject to water shut-off, a $55.00 fee will be added to the account.

Sample Timeline:
- December 31, bills are created and mailed.
- January 25, bills are due.
- January 26, Past-due bills are assessed a late fee.
- 2nd Tuesday in February, water would be shut off on December 31 bills that have not been paid, and a $55.00 fee would be assessed.
If you have questions regarding your bill, please contact the Utility Clerk at 509-244-5578, ext. 1.
For persons that qualify, budget billing, Low-Income, Senior and Disabled rates are offered.
The City of Airway Heights also has a Reduced Utility Rate program. Typically, if you qualify for any of the following programs, you may be eligible for Reduced Utility Rates:
- Food Stamps
- Medicaid
- Spokane County Property Tax Exemption
- Low-income Home Energy Assistance
- Aid to Families w/Dependent Children
- State Public Assistance/Welfare
If you qualify for any of the above programs, fill out the Reduced Utility Rate Application, and provide a copy of your I.D., along with proof of eligibility for the above listed programs for the year you are applying for.
For more information on additional utility providers within the City of Airway Heights, please visit Local Utilities.