Court Records Request

Municipal Court Records Request

General Rule 31.1: Access to Administrative Records: confirms the right of the public to examine judicial branch administrative records created on or after January 1, 2016 and establishes procedures for requesting records and guidelines for those responding to requests.

The Court will respond by within five (5) working days from receipt of the court records request. 

If you do not hear back within 5 days of your request, please contact us 509-244-2773 to make sure we received your request.

** This request is for Municipal Court records ONLY. If you need a records request from any other City Department or entity i.e. police reports, etc you will need to go to the City’s public records request section: Here

Please fill out the below records request form, please be specify what documents you are requesting from the Court file. You may mail, email, or drop off in person to: 

Attn: Kati Dorman, Court Administrator/Records Officer
Address: 13120 W. 13th Ave, Airway Heights, WA 99001
Phone: 509-244-2773
Records Request Email for Submission: