Missing Middle Housing Project

Missing Middle Housing Update

Project Overview

In 2023, The Washington Legislature passed the Engrossed 2nd Substitute House Bill requiring 77 jurisdictions across the state to adopt development regulations allowing for middle housing on all lots zoned for residential use. Additionally, House Bill 1337 mandates the adoption or amendment of municipal zoning regulations to permit at least two accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on all lots within urban growth areas that allow for single-family homes. The City is currently in the process of developing policies, zoning, and development standards to facilitate missing middle housing and the ADU requirements.

City Council Public Hearing- April 7, 2025
Project status
Under review by City Council 
UPDATED 3/13/2025
Public Comments
Planning Commission Resolutions 
Draft Ordinances 

What to Expect

As the project progresses, check back here for updates. 

Where can I find more information, provide comments, or ask questions?

Contact the Planning Department at  planninginfo@cawh.org.