HEAR Program
What Is the HEAR Program?
The Washington State Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) Program offers rebates to help households and small businesses buy energy-efficient electric equipment and appliances. Funded by the state’s Climate Commitment Act, this program aims to reduce climate pollution, create jobs, and improve public health.
As climate change affects our health, safety, and economy, Washington residents are taking action with cleaner options for homes, schools, and businesses. The Climate Commitment Act is also boosting new incentives to cut energy costs, move away from fossil fuels, and keep our air clean.
Read on to learn how you can apply for a rebate!

Qualifications & Required Documents
In order to qualify for the HEAR Program rebate, you must:
- Be a resident of Airway Heights
- Make below 150% of Area Median Income (Unless changed)
- A description of desired equipment or proof of purchased eligible equipment
- Have a valid ID

Required Documents
Income Documents
Usually only one of the following is sufficient but multiple may be required:
- Social Security award letter for the current year
- Pension
- 3 Months paystubs
- If self-employed 2 years tax returns
- Child support
- Tax return
Residential Documentation
- Driver’s License
- Recent Utility Bill
- Other related bills, with direct correlation to one’s address
Document of Purchase or intent of purchase
- Valid Receipt or invoice
- Description of product or service being provided, in adherence with the eligible equipment
Just one of the following is sufficient for indetification purposes:
- Driver’s License
- Passport
- State issued ID
Ready to Apply?
What Types of High Efficiency Electric Equipment Are Eligible?

Eligible appliances include:
- Electric Heat Pump Water Heater
- Electric Air Source or Ground source Heat Pump for space Conditioning
- Commercial or Residential Induction Kitchen Equipment
- Electric Heat Pump clothes Dryer

Eligible Electric Services necessary for the installation of high efficiency electric equipment include:
- Electrical service and Panel Upgrade
- Electric Wiring
CAA Funding Acknowledgement
The HEAR Program is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at www.climate.wa.gov.
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