
US 2 Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project Community Engagement Events in June

Traffic in Airway Heights during the summer.

US-2 Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project Community Engagement Events in June– Airway Heights, WA

The City of Airway Heights will will be hosting two separate outreach events for the US-2 Pedestrian Improvement Project in the moth of June: 

Event #1

SCJ Alliance will be hosting a table at the Airway Heights Summer Market to engage the public about Phase 2 of the US2 Corridor Design, which is currently 60% complete. We invite you to visit our table and join the conversation.

This is a vendor market located at The HUB (12703 W 14th Ave), we will be tabling from 10am-2pm.

When: Saturday June 8, 2024 ⋅ 10am – 2pm

Where: 12703 W 14th Ave.


Event #2

SCJ Alliance will be hosting a table prior to the Airway Heights Parks & Recreation summer movie night at Sunset Park to engage the public about Phase 2: 60% of the US2 Corridor Design.

Our table will be set up starting at 8pm and last until the movie begins We invite you to visit our table and join the conversation.

When: Friday June 14, 2024 ⋅ 8pm – 9:15pm

Where: Sunset Park, Lawson and 8th


For more information on the US-2 Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project, please visit the project site at