
Project Information Sharing at This Week’s Spokane Transit’s Open House in Airway Heights

Spokane Transit’s Open House in Airway Heights map concept.

Project Information Sharing at This Week’s Spokane Transit’s Open House in Airway Heights  – Airway Heights, WA 


City of Airway Heights and Ardurra (consulting firm) will be present at Spokane Transit Authority’s Open House, sharing current project information and fostering community engagement alongside other transportation partners. More information on the Open House can be found on our March 19th News Post.

Where:          Spokane County Library – Airway Heights,

                     1213 S Lundstrom St, Airway Heights, WA 99001

When:           March 28th – 4:30-6:30pm

6th Ave Extension Craig Rd to Russell St Design Project:

The 6th Avenue segment between Craig Road and South Ketchum Drive (600-feet) is being designed as a boulevard, filling in the missing segment of 6th Avenue.  From South Ketchum Drive to Russell Street, 6th Avenue will be reconstructed as a boulevard with roundabouts at Lundstrom and Lawson, infill sidewalk on the north side of 6th Avenue, and an 8-10 foot shared-use path on the south side.  This design with applicable elements including ADA ramps and drainage swales will require additional City right of way acquisitions. 

This will be our third community engagement opportunity on this project and is progressing towards bid advertisement.


6th Avenue Rendering

Craig Road Shared-Use Path US 2 to 6th Ave Project:

The construction of a shared-use path parallel of the west edge of Craig Road for approximately 200 feet north of US 2 to 6th Avenue will improve quality of life and mobility for the community of Airway Heights.  The design includes Spokane Transit Authority bus stops and enhanced marked pedestrian crossings. Wrapping up the design and right-of-way acquisitions, this project is set to break down this summer.

10th Avenue Corridor Extension Project:

The construction of 10th Avenue will be a boulevard, two-lane “complete street” project with sidewalk aligned along the south side of the roadway, a pathway north side, and STA transit stops provided at five locations. Additional right of way was required from private interests to accomplish the full corridor width. Designs include pedestrian ADA crossings with new future Lyons Road and future Kalispel Way, and a traffic signal at the intersection of 10th Avenue and Hayford Rd.  

This project is set to break ground this May with Shamrock Paving as the Prime Contractor and Ardurra managing the construction on behalf of the City of Airway Heights.

The City and Ardurra want to thank the various project funding partners: Spokane Transit Authority, Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB), and CHAS.

Where can I find more information?

You may contact the Project Manager, ReBecca Fouts, at or City Planning Director, Heather Trautman, at