March 14, 2025
Greeting Residents,
The City of Airway Heights is providing 30-day notice to adjacent property owners of the upcoming roadway construction on 6th Avenue between Craig Road and Russell St. Construction is expected to start approximately April 14, 2025. This project phase includes, but is not limited to, excavation and replacement of the roadway, replacement and installation of concrete curb or curb and gutter, installation of median, traffic control, installation of new swale and pathway, and installation of various features such as lighting and landscaping.
Those property owners that have items within existing City R/W including fences, planter boxes, garden beds, sprinklers, or other items, that received previous forms of communicated from Ardurra, DCI and city staff, are to adjust/move accordingly.
Please be aware construction contractors and utility companies will be working along 6th Ave between Craig Rd and Russell St, starting in April and will carry into fall of 2025.
Project information can be found at 6th Avenue Extension and Redesign Project – City of Airway Heights. Please send an email to the three contacts below if you have questions on this project.

Steven T. Flude, P.E.
City Engineer
Rebecca Fouts | Steven T. Flude | Heather Trautman, AICP & CCEO |
6th Avenue Project Manager | City Engineer | City Planning Director | | | |
Project Phasing Plan