Project Goal & Description:
Previous studies, such as West Plains Connection, have identified the need to address the performance of the existing transportation system in the West Plains area. By improving the local roadway network of 6th/10th/12th, local trip connectivity will improve and demand on US 2 will reduce.
The goal of this project is to carry forward the West Plains Connection Phase 2, improving the overall transportation system, and multimodal usability and safety of 6th Avenue between Craig Road and Russell Street. The project includes extending 6th Avenue to Craig Road, sidewalks to eliminate gaps on the north side, a shared-use path on the south side, median treatments to create a boulevard, and transit stops to Russell Street.

What is the Purpose of the Open House?
The purpose of the open house is two-fold. City and Ardurra (consulting firm) will present project information while gathering community input on the contextual needs and proposed concept design alternatives developed to date.
Meeting Details:
Where: Airway Heights Recreation Center
11405 W. Deno Road, Spokane WA 99224
When: July 13th – 4:30-6:30pm
Where can I find more information?
Additional online information will be forthcoming following the Open House. If you have a specific question in the interim, you may contact the Project Manager, ReBecca Fouts, at or City Planning Director, Heather Trautman, at