Water Restrictions
July 21, 2023—The City of Airway Heights has issued summer water use restrictions as it performs well maintenance activities.
Please use water wisely when cooking, bathing, or for other household purposes. (Water Wise Spokane has helpful tips on indoor water conservation.)
Restrictions on irrigation and outdoor use are as follows:
- Automatic in-ground sprinklers are permitted for watering lawns and landscaping only as follows:
- Even numbered addresses may water on even dates
- Odd numbered addresses may water on odd dates
- Watering of established lawns, trees, and shrubs: Please water established lawns, trees, shrubs, and plants at homes, businesses, apartments, and open spaces before 10AM or after 6PM.
- Vegetable gardens and flowers may be watered. However, please do so only in the cooler hours of the day to reduce evaporation. If you have not already applied mulch to your garden, do so as soon as possible. Use a soaker hose or drip lines instead of a sprinkler, or water by hand, so that water goes only to the plants that need it.
- Lawn Height: Let your grass grow longer by raising your lawnmower’s cutting height. Longer blades of grass help shade each other, reducing evaporation.
- Stop fertilizing: it only promotes new growth. When you mow, leave grass clippings on the lawn to reduce moisture.