City Strategic Plan
City of Airway Heights Strategic Plan
Welcome to the City of Airway Heights Strategic Plan, a vision of what community members value most about the community and what they want the community to become. After a multiyear process that included broad community input and surveys, the City Council adopted the 2021 Strategic Plan on March 15, 2021. The Strategic Plan is the City’s five-year road map for community priorities, method for measuring success and aligns works across departments. The outcomes and objectives in the plan directly guide the development of Airway Heights’ annual budget process.
The plan is organized around six outcome areas to achieve the community vision:
1. Economic Opportunity – Thriving local economy fostering innovation and competitiveness.
2. Environmental Quality – Achieving a healthy and sustainable environment.
3. Empowerment and Inclusion – All residents have the opportunity to participate in the community.
4. Mobility – Move freely throughout the community.
5. Healthy Living and Recreation – Opportunities that encourage and support healthy and active life.
6. Safety and Security – Safe and secure environment for all residents.
The strategic plan reinforces the City of Airway Heights’ commitment to accountability and continuous improvement. Within the last decade, the community has undergone significant change. As an organization, we are deliberately moving toward an open, data-driven organization focused on results and reporting our overall progress toward community goals.